The Bank of NH Pavilion address below can be put into into Google Maps or your preferred satellite navigation system to make your journey much easier:

72 Meadowbrook Lane, Gilford, New Hampshire 03249

Note: Traffic in Gilford nearer to the Bank of NH Pavilion is known to be busier around times of major events. Please allow plenty of time to arrive, park and walk to the entrance.

The venue is located at 72 Meadowbrook Ln, in Gilford New Hampshire. If you do not have a parking pass directing you to the “Main Entrance”, please proceed to the West Entrance / Concert Entrance. To get there, you can use the alternate address of 80 Recycle Way, Gilford, NH 03249 for GPS navigation.

Accessible Parking:

Parking attendants will be available to direct persons with accessible plates or placards to appropriate parking. These spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If these spots are full, parking attendants will direct you to the closest parking lot and, upon request, will arrange for a golf cart to pick you up and bring you to the venue. You may then arrange for the golf cart to return you to your vehicle with event staff or ushers.